Huwebes, Marso 1, 2012

Election of the Officers for the District Federation of Supreme Pupil Government

After all the six schools in Tibungco District have elected their student leaders who would constitute the Supreme Pupil Government, the elected ones have to elect also set of officers to serve for the District Federation of Supreme Pupil Government. The election transpired last February 16, 2012 at Bustamante Central Elementary School specifically in the classroom of the district SPG adviser,Mrs. Rosemarie Realino.
The HEKASI coordinator in the district,Mrs. Eldeliza Minor enthusiastically gave words of welcome to the young student leaders. After which, students were grouped and prepared their speeches as all of them were candidates to the positions which they think they could handle. As usual, they were given time to talk and convince others to vote for them. Followed shortly was the election which was perhaps the most thrilling and exciting on their part. Seriously, the children cast their votes and eagerly anticipated that their chosen candidate would win. Then followed the counting and the declaration of the winners. With the presence of Mrs. Germiniana S. Cortez, the district supervisor who administered the oath taking of the newly-elected officers, the activity became a lot meaningful to them.
The district supervisor, Mrs. Germiniana S. Cortez speaks before an audience of youmg and energetic student leaders.

With Ma'am Weng on the background, the leaders discuss among themselves on who would be running for each position.

Angel Fate of SBES having a speech, trying to win the hearts of many

Children lined up outside the room, getting ready for the election.

Verification of the voters was made before they can vote.

The photo shows the voting period...

A pupil showing the improvised ballot box filled with ballots

Ma'am Weng counts the number of ballots if it tallies with the number of voters.

Mrs. Cortez administering the oath taking of the newly-elected officers.

Mrs. Minor welcomed everyone in the annual selection of officers.

The elected officers with six of the SPG advisers.

Great smiles coming from great leaders in the district
 as they gathered for a photo opportunity.

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